Shouldn't you buy an iPhone first?

Written on 9:24 AM by Mark Osborne

Ironically, I do not own an iPhone (although I have decided to begin writing iPhone apps). I have had a Blackberry since 2001 and can type more than 20 words a minute on the qwerty keyboard...I tried the iPhone and had to hunt and peck to type, which I just couldn't stand for work.

To add to the irony, buying an iPhone will not be my first step on this journey. Here are the steps I'll be following:

Step 1: Apply for iPhone Developer Status - Cost - 1 hour - $99
I had read on some blogs that this was a 6 month approval process, so I made this my first step, wasn't that hard really. I signed up as an individual, not a company, not sure if that was the right choice or not. The application only took 30minutes to an hour, I'll let you know how long approval takes.

Step 2: Buy a book - Cost - 20minutes - $30ish
I was surprised at the low number of websites dedicated to training people (not programmers) on how to develop iPhone apps (hence the purpose of this blog). I did find a few lenses on Squidoo, and some recommended books in Amazon. Will take a couple weeks for the book to arrive.

Step 3: Shop for / buy an iPhone - unknown cost of time and money
I'll begin this process at Best Buy tomorrow

Step 4: Play around with iPhone / download apps

Step 5: Read intro book

Step 6: Order advanced books

Step 7: Begin programming apps

Step 8: Complete 1st app

Step 9: Apply for app to be carried in app store

Step 10: Develop alternative distribution model?

Step 11: Review process, refine

Step 12: Repeat

I'll re-visit this step-by-step process along the way to futher develop the cost of time and $ of each step, and give you a play book to follow along with at home.

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