Basketball in the Dark

Written on 9:35 AM by Mark Osborne

If you show people a video of a professional basketball team (with or without Kobe and/or Lebron) playing in a darkened gym (and missing lots of baskets and bumping into each other BECAUSE they are in the dark) they will rate the players WORSE than the amatuer players in a video playing with the lights on. Even if you point out that one team is playing in the dark, they will "take that into consideration" and still rate the other team as better. Even if you show them the SAME team - one video they're playing in the light, the other in the dark, they will rate the team playing in the light better. This is called Fundamental Attribution Error.

Fundamental Attirbution Error is the tendency for us to blame the person, not the circumstances. For example, I never let my band play a gig with a bad sound system, because everyone will walk away thinking the band sucks, not that the sound system sucks.

This is the same reason why I cannot tell you about my idea for my iPhone app untill it is ready to roll out. If I don't explain it correctly you will loose interest and decide it's no good. But if you had seen it when it was all done, with the bugs worked out, you'd think it was great. And you never get a second chance to make a first impresssion!

The other reason is I need to focus EVERY purchase/page view I can into 1 24hour period. The AppStore ranks apps based on activity in 1 24hour period. Breaking the top 200, top 100, 25, 10, etc gives an INSTANT lift to sales just because it puts the app on the radar for more people, meaning more sampling, etc etc etc.

So - please stay interested, I'm still shooting for a launch within 60 days! In the meantime I'll keep you posted on the process...

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