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Sign-In to OPPRTUNITY to discover real business opportunities you have with Janis Krums (Los Angeles, CA) as well as other professionals in your region, industry and current networks such as LinkedIn. OPPRTUNITY matches you with people who need what you offer (and vice versa) and sends you an alert each time we discover a match. OPPRTUNITY is designed for busy sales & marketing professionals, job seekers and hiring managers in need of an automated way to discover leads and new opportunities.
OPPRTUNITY brings people together around a real reason to do business. Professional networking has now moved beyond the the 'social graph' and into an era of 'professional discovery' - using big data and location to connect people in much the same way popular dating websites match personalities. OPPRTUNITY is designed for people looking for sales leads, employment, or hiring. OPPRTUNITY has already matched over 1 million professionals and referred close to 4 million worldwide.