My Date with Drew

Written on 10:14 AM by Mark Osborne

I love movies - more than once a movie has literally changed my life. I saw a great movie last night I want to share with you! I broke my ankle 2 weeks ago. Some people like pain killers as a recreational drug, I hate them. They make me depressingly depressed, plus the immobilization, the pain - altogether, not a good time. On top of that, I was a little late getting all the graphics to my iphone developer, he tried to make up time on the project, but now he is running late so that has me down as well. I'm putting in a deck on my house and I'm litterally BROKE for the next SEVERAL pay cycles. The upcoming launch and promotion/marketing of my app is weighing on me 'cuz I know I'll need to spend a little money on a few things and I just don't have it...UGH.

Last night I watched this movie on Showtime 'My Date with Drew' - it's a documentary about a regular guy that has had a crush on Drew Barrymore since he was 10, and he decides to spend 30 days trying to get a date with her. The guy is a bit of a dork, which is endearing to some, but drove me nuts, but in the end, well, you guessed it - he gets a date with Drew.

It's not a movie about love, or being a stalker, or even 'getting the girl.' It's about believing in yourself and daring to do something you want to do...something other people will think you are stupid for trying, something you have little chance of success at, something that may not even have that big of a payoff in the end.

Most sales training is about motivation. Staying movtivated is the MOST important factor for being successful, and a 'positive mental attitude' is the foundation of every Tony Robbins / life coach in the world. It's hard. This movie helped me get my mind back on course, so I recommend it to you!

So Vicodin be damned, I'm back on the horse - pursuing my Million Dollar iPhone App!

I've got to design some logos, build some websites, test the beta version, plan the marketing (and oh yeah, buy an iPhone!) but I can do it! I can do it all night!!!

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